Ponderings on a Good Day

The Mercy, taken from a bird's eye view at the Christus Statue in Dili Today was a much needed day of R&R. The powers that be aboard the Mercy declared it a "Holiday Schedule." This meant we did not have to muster at our normal time or be awakened by reveille at 6 am. In our department, we even had permission to "phone muster." This meant instead of reporting to work in person, we could call from the phone in berthing and say, "I'm here." This way, the commander can send the muster report to account for all of us still being here (as in, nobody fell overboard) without us having to get dressed and go upstairs. It was very, very dark when I woke up to the sound of really loud "ship noises." I have no idea what it was, but it sounded like water and clanking and drilling. Hmmm.... Anyway, I looked at the clock I keep in bed with me, and it was 8 am! Wow! I slept 2 hours past the normal 6 am! Yippee! And, althou...